Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dream Architect…

yeah that’s me… I am not joking I am sure you will agree with me soon enough. This Saturday while I was enjoying my one of many weekend naps a friend called and we talked about stuff. After some time I woke up and didn’t know whether it was for real or I was just dreaming. So I groped for my phone to see the call log in hope that I had a good chat with the friend. I found my phone and felt happy to see his name on the list. But then after some more time I woke up again Smile and was going through my phone and his name was no where to be found on the log… I never saw the call log I just dreamt about that too.
And the funny thing is its not the first times this has happened. There are many if not countless days in which I was late from the office just because when I wake up in the morning to my mom’s voice “aaj office nahin jana…”(don’t you have to go to office today) long after my alarm clock has given up on me Smile I guess moms are more persistent then the clocks… or my clock doesn’t love me as much as my mom. Anyways… I go to see the time and squeeze some more snooze time out of it. I don’t actually see my clock and just dream about seeing my clock and to my own convenience see it ticking at 7:30 or sometimes 8 and go to sleep again in the dream thinking I still have some time. But that doesn’t last for very long because I hear the second warning from my mom pretty soon and a much louder one “9 baj gaay hain… jana nahin…”(its 9… don’t you want to go…). Only then I realize I don’t have the luxury to shave anymore and I might have to skip the morning tea too…
There are many other events like that which frankly I don’t even remember right now.
So do you agree with me now…I am a dream architect right…what else would you call it. I don’t know why but I thought I should share my weird “super power” with you…It might not be that weird after all Smile. Sometimes I wish I had this “super power” to control the reality too…wouldn’t that be something.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Too damn technical for my own good

Last night around mid night I was staring at my laptop and I was staring hard. My laptop screen was showing me an alleged portrait of a girl painted by Picasso(yeah it is not just the name of ballpoint pen) which was "supposed" to show Picasso's insane passion and love he felt for the "girl" in the painting. And here I was thinking what on earth is this... from where it looks anything like what is being said or even a girl for that matter. To me it looked like an armature's painting about some sort of a weird tree gone wrong with a bunch of blobs of paint splashed across the canvas to hide his mistakes. I was completely shocked that I couldn’t even see which was right in front of me and so easy for other people to see.

But even though I was not able to see and appreciate the true beauty of the painting I just knew that there was something in there which I could feel. Something so beautiful, so raw, so pure and so perfect... it was like if I had lost my sense of touch but I could still feel the loving touch of my Ammi(Mother) when she runs her hand over my head or lost my sight but I could still feel how sun set on green valley filled with snow would look like. I felt like at some point in my life I was able to see but not anymore just the fading images. I think years of studying the numbers and the logics and the algorithms and training my self to think more and more like machines has rendered me esthetical blind to see the real beauties in art. I am sure most of my "Technical" friends would agree with me that we tend to see the world in binary and see only 10(for the non-technical people 10 is the binary for 2) shades of gray, black and white. For us the "Technical" people there is an else for every if but I realized there are many but's, might be's, sort of's and hope so's in between the plain and simple true and false in our lives too.

I hope there isn't any thing else which too I am missing out on... and someday I will get back the sense which I have lost on the way to becoming the technical guy… :).