Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Flight

Hi all,

Let me first introduce my self, coz as you may have noticed that this is my first flight in the world of blogging. My name is Muhammad Zahid Zia and by profession I am a computer engineer although I prefer to think of my self as a computer scientist, working at a local firm.

Today while I was enjoying my maqai ki roti  with saag (for those who dont share my culture maqai ki roti is a bread made from corn flour and saag is… well its a dish made from mustard greens and spinach, which btw my Uncle’s American born son calls the “green salaan” ). Anyways while was enjoying my traditional dinner I started thinking about how the time is changing and how the world is becoming more of a global village. As much as it benefit us all, I was thinking that probably we are losing our identities and culture to this monster of globalization… I don’t know about the whole world but in Pakistan at least no one take pride in there own culture anymore including me.Everyone is a race of “modernization”. I don’t know whether its due to some kind of inferiority complex or something else. what do you say… oh rite its a blog you don’t get to say here but you can comment :).

By the way I am not against this “Globalization” I just think we shouldn’t lose ourselves in this tornado.

1 comment:

  1. Felt great to know you started blogging. While reading your post, I recalled a few statements i read a couple of years ago in an international magazine telling how to survive in this culture. I'll share it here for the benfit of those who are confused :)
    "We should know ourselves, how to be ourselves and then remain ourselves. That does not mean isolation from others. It means preservation of our own essential identity among others, following our way among other ways. While self identity is necessary, we should also find the ways to a universal integration. Isolation from the world will eventually result in annihilation."
    from fountain magazine 1996

    Cheers ,
